Transcripts of trailers to films by Alfred Hitchcock 1960-1976 For trailers to earlier films click on the following: 1940´s 1950´s The transcripts of recordings for theatre lobbies for Psycho and The Birds and the transcripts of radio spots for The Birds and Marnie are taken from The Alfred Hitchcock Quote Book by Laurent Bouzereau. Trailer for Will Rogers Hospital Trailer 3.00
Voice: "Action." "OK, Mr. Hitchcock."
Alfred Hitchcock: "Just a moment. There may be some of you who have never acted in pictures before, and so perhaps I should explain the scene we are about to shoot. When I say roll ´em, a most unfortunate phrase, you are to put your hand in your pocket or purse, take out your wallet and peel off a bill, like this. Then hold on to it for the next shot. It you don´t have a bill handy, coins will do. Naturally being actors, your first question will be: What is my motivation? While the ladies are putting on their makeup I shall explain. You are doing this as your part in building medical research. For your own benefit in the worlds war against lung diseases. They are diseases that kill a man a minute throughout the world. The individual workers in our industry have supported the research and healing work of their Will Rogers Hospital and O´Donnel research laboratories for more than a third of a century. But the job has grown so enormous that we are in urgent need of your help. After 10 years of research the Will Rogers laboratories have created an anti-TB vaccine. From this can come great health blessings for all of you. Will Rogers is helping build up the force of doctors demanded by our country´s growing population. That is your motivation. Obviously it is more than adequate as I noticed one method actor in the rear of the theatre is about to give us the shirt off his back. We appreciate it very much, sir, but unfortunately there are rules about taking ones clothes off in a movie theatre. Now to review quickly, when the houselights go up, reach for that bill or coin, clutch it tightly until the Will Rogers volunteers send containers through your row. Then drop in your contribution and pass the box to your neighbor. Remember this is for medical research in diseasing ... for the benefit of all mankind, for someone you love. Perhaps even for yourself, someday. Very well, Jack, roll ´em."
Card: "I never met a man I didn´t like" Will Rogers.
47 PSYCHO			1960
Trailer		6.28
Card: "The fabulous Mr. Alfred Hitchcock is about to escort you... on a tour of the location of his new motion picture, "PSYCHO"
Alfred Hitchcock: "Good afternoon. Here we have a quiet little motel tucked away off the main highway, and as you see perfectly harmless looking, when in fact it has now become known as the scene of the crime. This motel also has as an adjunct an old house which is if I may say so, a little more sinister looking, less innocent than the motel itself. And in this house, the most dire horrible events took place. I think we can go inside because the place is up for sale. Oh I don't know who's gonna buy it now. In that window on the second floor, the single one in front, that's where the woman was first seen. Let's go inside. You see even in daylight this place still looks a bit sinister. It was at the top of these stairs that the second murder took place. She came out of the door there and met the victim at the top, of course in a flash there was the knife and in no time the victim tumbled and fell with a horrible crash, I think the back broke immediately it hit the floor. It was, it's difficult to describe the way the... the twisting of the... well I, it's... I won't dwell upon it. Let's come upstairs. Of course the victim or should I say victims hadn't any conception to the type of people they would be confronted with in this house. Especially the woman, she was the weardest and the most, well let's go into her bedroom. Here's the woman's room, still beautifully preserved. And the imprint of her figure on the bed where she used to lay. I think some of her clothes are still in this wardrobe. Bathroom ! This was the sons room but we won't go in there, because his favorite spot was the little parlour behind his office in the motel. Let's go down there. This young man you had to feel sorry for him. After all being dominated by an almost maniacal woman was enough to drive anyone to the extreme of, well let's go in. I suppose you'd call this his hideaway. His hobby as you see, was taxidermy. Crow here, an owl there. An important scene took place in this room. There was a private supper here, and... oh by the way. This picture has great significance, because... ah let's go along to cabin number one. I want to show you something there. All tidied up. The bathroom ! Well, they've cleaned all this up now. Big difference. You should have seen the blood. The whole, the whole place was... Well it's, it's too horrible to describe. Dreadful. And I'll tell you, there's a very important clue was found here. Down there. Well the murderer you see, crept in here very slowly, of course the shower was on, there was no sound and..." (clip with Janet Leigh screaming)
Cards: PSYCHO. Starring Anthony Perkins, Vera Miles, John Gavin. Co-starring Martin Balsam, John McIntire and Janet Leigh as Marion Crane. The picture you MUST see from the beginning ... Or not at all! ... for no one will be seated after the start of ... Alfred Hitchcock´s Greatest Shocker PSYCHO. A Paramount Picture.
Recording for theatre lobbies (1):
"This is Alfred Hitchcock... We trust that the presence of a special policeman throughout the current engagement of PSYCHO will not prove annoying or frightening. Personally, they scare me to death. Actually, he merely represents the theatre management, who have been instructed to make certain that no one is seated after the picture begins."
Recording for theatre lobbies (2):
"This is Alfred Hitchcock... Having lived with PSYCHO since it was a gleam in my camera´s eye, I now exercise my parental rights in revealing a number of significant facts about this well-eh-uh slightly extraordinary entertainment. I must warn you that PSYCHO was designed to be as terrifying as possible. Do not, however, heed the false rumor that it will frighten the moviegoer speechless. We do want your friends to come too."
Re-release Trailer	6.18	(on SF Rush Video)
Only the cards at the end of the trailer are changed.
Cards: PSYCHO. Starring Anthony Perkins, Vera Miles, John Gavin. Co-starring Martin Balsam, John McIntire and Janet Leigh as Marion Crane. PSYCHO is back with its blonde... its shower bath... its blood! If you were too young... or too scared... or the lines were too long... Don't miss it this time!
Alfred Hitchcock´s PSYCHO. A Paramount Re-release.
Re-release Publicity Trailer (1)	0.46
Alfred Hitchcock (and Cards): "I want you to see PSYCHO the way I originally made it! With every scene intact! The version TV did not dare show!"
(clip from trailer) "The murderer you see, crept in here very slowly, of course the shower was on, there was no sound and..." (clip with Janet Leigh screaming)
Voice (and Cards): "See it uncut! Intact! No one will be admitted to see it except from the very beginning! Alfred Hitchcock´s PSYCHO."
Card: Alfred Hitchcock´s PSYCHO.
Voice: "Rated M, suggested for mature audiences, parental discretion advised."
Re-release Publicity Trailer (2)	0.14
Voice (and Card): "Alfred Hitchcock´s Greatest Shocker!"
(clip with Janet Leigh screaming)
Voice (and Cards): "See the version TV didn't dare show! No one admitted except at the beginning."
Card: Alfred Hitchcock´s PSYCHO.
Voice: "PSYCHO. Rated M, suggested for mature audiences."
Re-release Publicity Trailer (3)	0.14
Alfred Hitchcock (and Card): "See the version of PSYCHO TV did not dare show!"
Voice (and Card): "No one will be admitted except at the beginning!"
(clip with Janet Leigh screaming)
Card: Alfred Hitchcock´s PSYCHO.
Voice: "Alfred Hitchcock´s PSYCHO. Rated M, suggested for mature audiences."
Re-release Publicity Trailer (4)	0.08
Voice (and Cards): "See the movie version TV didn't dare show! Uncut! Intact!"
(clip with Janet Leigh screaming)
Voice (and Card): "Alfred Hitchcock´s PSYCHO."
Re-release Publicity Trailer (5)	0.07
Alfred Hitchcock (and Card): "See the version of PSYCHO TV did not dare show!"
Voice (and Card): "Uncut! Intact!"
(clip with Janet Leigh screaming)
Card: Alfred Hitchcock´s PSYCHO.
Re-release Publicity Trailer (6)	1.00
Card: Alfred Hitchcock talks about PSYCHO
(clips from trailer) "Here we have a quiet little motel. This motel also has as an adjunct an old house.
Top of these stairs that the second murder took place. Here's the woman's room. This picture has great significance."
(clip from trailer) "The shower was on, there was no sound and..." (clip with Janet Leigh screaming)
Cards: PSYCHO. See it the way it was originally made! Alfred Hitchcock´s PSYCHO. A Universal Re-release.
48 THE BIRDS			1963
Trailer		5.09  (copy from laserdisc)
Card: Mr. Hitchcock would like to say a few words to you.
Alfred Hitchcock: "How do you do? My name is Alfred Hitchcock and I would like to tell you about my forthcoming lecture. It is about the birds and their agelong relationship with man. It will be seen in theatres like this across the country. In my lecture I hope to make you all aware of our good friends, the birds. Theirs is a noble history and through it all man has played a conspicuous part. This cave drawing is one of man's earliest sketches of his feathered friend. One can see at once the loving care with which the artist depicted his subject. The story of man and his friends the birds is filled with many fine examples of ways in which these noble creatures have added to the beauty of the world. Take this plumed hat from the period of Charles the first. How proud the birds must have been to have their feathers plucked (!) out, to brighten man's drab life. Here we have a later model, a refinement of the first. Here man, or rather woman, thought enough of the birds to have an entire one as a decoration. It's quite dead of course. Naturally, the egg plays a very prominent part in my lecture. Not a word about which came first however. I don't believe in dealing with controversial matters. Thousands of years ago man was satisfied merely to steal an egg from a nest and use it for food. Now he has perfected this process by imprisoning each hen in a separate cage and by scientifically manipulating the lights so that she doesn't fall into the rut of the old 24 hour day. Thus he can induce the bird to reach fantastic heights of egg production. Originally there where many varieties of birds on earth. Some have become extinct, the great auk, the passenger pigeon and the famous dodo bird have all disappeared. Actually they didn't exactly disappear, they were simply killed off, but of course, this is nature's way. Man merely hurries a process along whenever he can be of help. Man and birds have been responsible for a great many advances in our civilization. For example the bird was the inspiration for the invention of gunpowder. And it was his speed that brought about the development... of the shotgun. But man has not been unmindful of his debt to the bird, we have honoured our feathered friend in many ways. We cage birds and show them off proudly in most of our zoos and the turkey is traditionally our guest of honour at Thanksgiving. I suspect you never realized that if it weren´t for birds even some of our pastimes would suffer noticeably, duckhunting for example. Granted bagging a fellow hunter can be diverting but the supply is rather limited. I hope you don't mind if I have something to eat but I'm rushed today. Planning the lecture has been most educational for me. I've begun to feel very close to the birds and have developed a real sympathy for our little... what was I saying... oh yes, I've come to feel very close to the birds and have come to realize how they feel when... I don't think I'll eat just now. Hardly proper with all of you here. Surely the birds appreciate all we've done for them. Don't you, beautiful cage, fresh water, no other birds to bother you, none of that blinding sunlight... (picks AH's finger) oo, now why would he do that? Most peculiar, what on earth?" (They're coming !, they're coming !) clip not in film with 'Tippi' rushing in.
Cards: What is the shocking mystery of the birds ? They massed by the thousands, and tens of thousands. Why ? What was their evil intent ? Suspense and shock, beyond anything you have ever seen or imagined !
Alfred Hitchcock´s The Birds From Daphne Du Maurier´s Thrilling Story.
"The Birds could be the most terrifying motion picture I have ever made." (Alfred Hitchcock)
Radio Spot: (Sound of cuckoo clock) 
Alfred Hitchcock: "The opinions expressed are not necessarily those of the management. This is Alfred Hitchcock bringing you the correct time. It is now high time you saw THE BIRDS. Because of the unusual nature of this film, THE BIRDS should be seen from the beginning. Those of you who read magazines from back to front will consider this most peculiar, but please permit us this whim. It´s for your own good." (Sound of cuckoo clock)
Recording for theatre lobbies:
Alfred Hitchcock: "How do you do. This is Alfred Hitchcock; that is, the spirit of Alfred Hitchcock. It was felt that in a lobby as crowded as this one, what was needed was more spirit than flesh. I wish to thank you for your patience and splendid cooperation. However, I know you have enjoyed standing around like this. In fact, there are some who say that waiting in line is the best part of the evening.
We do this, of course, not as part of the nation´s emphasis on physical fitness but because we think you can enjoy THE BIRDS more if you see it from the start to finish instead of vice versa. As for THE BIRDS, I am sure they are as eager to see you as you are to see them. We make them wait on line too."
49 MARNIE			1964
Trailer		4.42  (copy from laserdisc)
Alfred Hitchcock: (on the set) "How do you do? I'm Alfred Hitchcock and I would like to tell you about my latest motion picture Marnie, which will be coming to this theater soon. Marnie is a very difficult picture to classify. It is not Psycho, nor do we have a horde of birds flapping about and pecking at people willy-nilly. We do have two very interesting human specimens, a man and a woman. One might call Marnie a sex mystery, that is if one uses such words. But it is more than that. Perhaps the best way to tell you about the picture is to show you a few scenes. This is Mark coming down the stairs of his family home outside Philadelphia. He is a thoughtful man, dark and brooding. He is, in a sense, a hunter. And this is what he is hunting, Marnie. Seeing her in her mother's modest house, one wonders how two such different people could cross paths. It was certainly not Marnie's idea. Marnie was going about her own business, like any normal girl. Happy, happy, happy. Suddenly into this colourful life comes Mark. At first he didn't know what to make of Marnie, she does seem a rather excitable type. What would account for this strange behaviour. Has she just realized that she forgot her umbrella ?"
(clip from film) "The colours, stop the colours" "What colours?"
Alfred Hitchcock: "Marnie´s trouble goes deeper than that, far deeper. And this is the problem which Mark must probe. But first something must be done to calm this girl. Our hero applies mouth-to-mouth resuscitation. But that may give you the impression this picture is all sex and no mystery. Not so at all, here for example, Marnie is speaking to, uh.., I'm not sure who actually. But he is a man from her past. A past she seems to be denying. Oh dear, they are at it again. Let me assure you that this is all in the spirit of investigation. And this, here is further proof that Marnie is a talking picture."
(clip from film) "You don´t love me. I´m just something you´ve caught. You think I´m some kind of animal you´ve trapped." "That´s right, you are and I caught something really wild this time, haven´t I? I´ve tracked you and caught you and by god I´m gonna to keep you."
Alfred Hitchcock: "That should be quite enough. If you wish to hear more you will have to buy a ticket. As for which one of them is the wild animal, there are times when I'm not sure. (Mark takes gown off) I don't think that was necessary, actually I think I should withhold comment, since I'm not certain I understand this scene. I shall leave the explanation to your own vivid imagination. It would appear that Mark has a single solution for all problems. This is not so. Mark is a complex man. Dark and forbidding. He can also be kind and considerate. And he is also a troubled man. Troubled because he cannot seem to unravel the mystery of the girl, called Marnie."
Cards: Is Alfred Hitchcock´s MARNIE ...a sex story... ? ...a mystery... ? ...a detective story... ? ...a romance... ? ...a story of a thief... ? ...a love story... ? YES AND MORE!
Tippi Hedren, Sean Connery, Dianne Baker in Alfred Hitchcock´s "MARNIE".
Radio Spot: 
Alfred Hitchcock: "Do you have money problems? Are you hopelessly in debt? Wondering where the next dollar is coming from? This is Alfred Hitchcock suggesting: Why don´t you do as MARNIE does? Consolidate all your debts and then wipe them out in one enormous heist. There are dangers, of course. MARNIE seemed to enjoy taking the money. Robbery followed robbery. And then she met a man... but I am telling you too much. If you are interested in this questionable method of achieving solvency, you will have to see MARNIE. MARNIE is my latest motion picture. Don´t stage another robbery until you see MARNIE."

Alfred Hitchcock: "I wouldn´t trust MARNIE any farther than I could throw Alfred Hitchcock. This is a terrible thing to say about a lady. But then - MARNIE is no lady. Personally, I wouldn´t have a thing to do with her. However, if you would, you´ll find her at your favorite theatre."

50 TORN CURTAIN			1966
Trailer 		0.58
Curtain tears: Voice: "The acknowledged master of the unexpected Alfred Hitchcock thrusts you into his new world of suspense."
Cards: Alfred Hitchcock. Paul Newman. Julie Andrews.
Voice: Paul Newman and Julie Andrews find love in danger and danger in love behind Alfred Hitchcock´s Torn Curtain."
(clip from film) "You stay away from me, don´t talk to me, go home!"
Voice: "But she had to know what was happening to the man she loved."
(clips from film) "They have found Gromek´s body." "Won´t you please take me home." "I´m sorry I can´t." "It´ll blow up."
Alfred Hitchcock: "This is Alfred Hitchcock, Torn Curtain will tear you apart with suspense."
Voice: "Paul Newman and Julie Andrews in Alfred Hitchcock´s TORN CURTAIN in Technicolor."
Cards: Paul Newman, Julie Andrews. Alfred Hitchcock´s "TORN CURTAIN". Technicolor. A Universal Picture.
51 TOPAZ			1969
Trailer		2.55  (copy from laserdisc)
(clips from film) "Does the word Topaz mean anything to you?" "What is Topaz?"
Alfred Hitchcock: "A story of espionage in high places"
Cards: Hitchcock. Shatters the screen with TOPAZ
Voice: "A best-selling novel for over a year. The revelations in Topaz shook up world capitals and started a spy hunt that is still going on. From between the covers of this book, Hitchcock has taken intrigue, suspense, excitement. Warm blooded men and women take risks, make love, face death for stakes that involve the world"
(clip from film) "And I´m supposed to keep my mouth shut and uncover Topaz, at the risk of my own skin"
Voice: "The action is global, Moscow, Copenhagen,"
(clips from film) "Get your heads down, quick"
Voice: "Washington."
(clips from film) "I gave you no understanding" "The hell you didn´t, you´re in this business, you know the score" "There is a woman in Cuba, isn´t there?" "She sometimes works for me" "What else does she do for you?"
Voice: "Over all lurks the mystery of Topaz and nothing is what it seems. A piece of bread can mean death, a broken figurine can mean freedom. In New Yorks Harlem a man risks his life to take pictures of what? In Cuba an agent visits his mistress and no-one asks why, at first."
(clips from film) "You´ve picked a hell of a time to come, security is tight. This island is crowding with Russians" "She is a widow of a hero of the revolution, she is loved and honoured in this country. If it were not for her, you would disappear tonight"
Voice: "In Paris a secret meeting and in an alley..."
(clip from film) "What´s the matter" "Look"
Voice: "Murder or is it suicide?"
(clips from film) "I don´t want you to be killed" "There is something I have to tell you" "Tell me now"
Cards: Hitchcock tops Hitchcock. To unravel the mystery of TOPAZ. Alfred Hitchcock´s TOPAZ.
52 FRENZY			1972
Short Trailer	1.00  (on laserdisc)
Alfred Hitchcock: "I´d like a dozen ties, please"
Tom Helmore: "Yes Sir. Any preference? Stripes, solids. Any particular colours?"
Alfred Hitchcock: "No, I don´t care very much. It´s... They´re for a friend of mine. He uses them to strangle women."
Card: Frenzy
(clips from film) "My god, the tie"
Card: Alfred Hitchcock´s Frenzy
Alfred Hitchcock: "Frenzy will get you by the throat."
Card: Coming soon
Corpse-in-the-Thames trailer  2.51
Alfred Hitchcock: "I dare say you are wondering why I am floating around London like this. I´m on the famous Thames River, investigating a murder. Rivers can be very sinister places and in my new film, Frenzy, this river you may say, was the scene of a very horrible murder."
(clip from film) "It´s a woman." "Another necktie murder."
Alfred Hitchcock: "Of course, one can never be sure where danger lurks. They tell me a dreadful crime was committed right in this building. My investigation next lead me to this innocent alley of which there are hundreds in London. But I don´t think we should stay long. Something unpleasant is about to happen."
(clips from film) Cards: Frenzy. Frenzy.
Alfred Hitchcock: "Here is the scene of another horrible murder. This is the famous London wholesale, fruit and vegetable market, Covent Garden. Here you may buy the fruits of evil and the horrors of vegetables. I´ve heard of a leg of lamb, a leg of chicken but never a leg of potatoes."
(clips from film) "Hey there, what´s wrong."
Alfred Hitchcock: "Look, she´s wearing my tie ! How do you like my tie ? How do you like it ?"
(clips from film) "My god, the tie." Card: Alfred Hitchcock´s Frenzy.
53 FAMILY PLOT			1976
Short Trailer	1.10
Music: Funeral March Of A Marionette
Voice: "The Master of suspense, Alfred Hitchcock is involved in a family plot"
Alfred Hitchcock: "My word, what a grave insult. Please don’t take it to heart. We have some live ones we’d like you to meet. There’s a medium in the Family Plot, she is a fake. There’s a thief in the Family Plot."
(clip from film) "Absolutely perfect"
Alfred Hitchcock: "There’s a kidnapper in the Family Plot."
(clip from film) "I bet that thing isn´t even loaded"
Alfred Hitchcock: "There’s even a conman and a wild ride down the mountain."
(clip from film) "Don´t grab me for god's sake"
Cards: Directed by Alfred Hitchcock. Screenplay by Ernest Lehman.
Alfred Hitchcock: "But who is buried in the Family Plot ?"
Voice: "For the answer to this and other startling questions, see Alfred Hitchcock´s Family Plot."
Cards: Alfred Hitchcock´s FAMILY PLOT. Coming soon.
Long Trailer	2.05
(clip from film) "Find him and I'll pay you 10000 dollars"
Alfred Hitchcock: "That’s Madame Blanche, a medium. Being a master spiritualist myself, I can assure you that Madame Blanche... is a fake."
(clip from film) "What do we have to do for the money?" "Find one man" "What´s his name?" "nobody knows" "where is he?" "nobody knows"
Alfred Hitchcock: "But let us go on. I see, I see a name strangely familiar. (Alfred Hitchcock) I see, I see a title. (Family Plot) The implication is quite grave."
(clip from film) "Never liked them multiple funerals"
Alfred Hitchcock: "Cemetaries make my bones rattle. Let us leave these losers and find a winner. Miss Karen Black."
(clip from film) "If a man my age is gonna get kidnapped by a woman, he wants her to be 25."
Alfred Hitchcock: "Mr Bruce Dern."
(clip from film) "Your husband tried to kill me and you were in on it"
Alfred Hitchcock: "Miss Barbara Harris."
(clip from film) "How can you do this to me?"
Alfred Hitchcock: "and Mr William Devane whose charm hides more than it reveals."
(clip from film) "We´ll have to eliminate these two ourselves" "Oh, I can´t" "You must" "He´s after us" "Absolutely perfect" "Blanche" "Brakes don´t work"
Cards: Directed by Alfred Hitchcock. Screenplay by Ernest Lehman.
Alfred Hitchcock: "Poor Madame Blanche. I’ve grown very fond of that girl. Are you allright, Madame Blanche ?"
Card: Alfred Hitchcock´s FAMILY PLOT

Copyright © 1999, Patrik Wikström
All Rights Reserved.

Thanks very much to Nandor Bokor for many corrections in my spelling.